If you have defaulted student loans know that you are not alone. Thousands of Americans a year struggle to repay their defaulted loans, and there are many options for you to choose from. By choosing an option which best suits your needs; you will quickly be on the road to pay it off.
Loan rehabilitation is an option to consider when dealing with the hardship of these type of loans. To enroll in a rehabilitation program you must first get in contact with your guarantor. After enrolling it is important that you make at least nine on time monthly payments to your lender. After signing and returning your rehabilitation agreement, you will get an official notification saying that your loan is being rehabilitated.
Your loan is then transferred to a new lender and servicer to be rehabilitated; it would now be considered out of default status. Monthly payments are made to your new provider, and you will be charged up to eighteen and a half percent interests on the loan.
The loan consolidation is as well, another option to pay off defaulted student loans. Before you are accepted into a loan consolidation program it is important that you have a satisfactory repayment arrangement. This is when you make three consecutive payments with your current lender.
The Direct Loan program is the current number one consolidation program run by the US Department of Education. A major difference between consolidating and rehabilitating your loan is that with consolidation, the default status is not taken out of your credit report, where as with rehabilitation, the default status is removed.
The fastest way to get out of your defaulted student loans is to pay off the debt and any interest you owe in full. This may not work for everyone, however, paying off as much as possible of your loan, can reduce the amount you have to pay with a program after they apply interest rates. In special circumstances your defaulted student loan may be reduced or discharged, but you must meet certain eligibility requirements.
There is no quick fix for paying off your student debts, but loan forgiveness programs can greatly help you get rid of those loans. With the use of the loan forgiveness programs you will find yourself on the road to paying off your student loans at your own pace, thus relieving you from the burden of having large payments every month.
For more helpful tips and information on paying off your student loans check back frequently on our blog that can be found in the resource box.
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