One of the biggest concerns facing a new college graduate is repayment of student loans. Your lenders expect you to begin paying back your loans after graduation, but they are not going to bankrupt you in the process if they can avoid it. With almost all student loans there is a grace period of six months after graduation before you have to start paying your loans back.
If you find it difficult to secure a job in six months, or the job you get does not provide a sufficient income to start paying back your loans, then you can apply for a deferment. A deferment is additional time to pay back your loan that the bank gives you due to financial hardship. Deferments can go up to three years in some cases, but keep in mind that interest will keep accruing during deferment and you may be responsible for paying that interest back as part of your loan payments.
A good way to help you reduce your student loan debt, and make paying your loans easier, is to consider consolidation. If you can get a consolidation loan with a lower interest rate than your existing loans, then you can drop your monthly debt and reduce the overall interest cost of owning your loans. This can help to make those multiple loans into one easy payment, and it can lower your payment to where it can fit into your monthly budget.
Once you have worked your student loan payments into your monthly budget it becomes a bit easier to pay them and be able to live on what you have left over. Some students get jobs during the summers while they are in school and save up their money to pay towards their student loans. Prior to consolidating your loans, if you have saved up money that can pay off some of your smaller loans then pay them off and help lower your monthly payments even more.
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